"Rostam Batmanglij of Vampire Weekend has teamed up with Wes Miles of Ra Ra Riot to create Discovery. There are only two tracks up on their MySpace right now, but they say they're "COMING HARD AT YOU IN 2009!"" (MyOldKy)
Time Warner Cable's capitulation doesn't bode well for the future of metered billing of the Internet, in which people who use more bandwidth pay more. (MSNBC)
This is quite great.
"Porn companies have certainly found a lucrative niche in the past few years: remaking beloved sitcoms as porn films that they can sell at a premium price. These videos have a built-in market in the porn world (fans of these shows) and they garner attention from mainstream media organizations. Here are five of the weirdest takes on beloved shows you'll ever see..." (HuffPost)